Western Society

Gob Squad Arts Collective

How happy are you on a scale of 1 to 10? How middle-class are you? One-night stand or masturbation? Your children or your career? Welcome to the living room of “Western Society”. For Gob Squad – the almost legendary live art masters of playing with video and reality – a neglected video on the internet becomes their window to an anonymous family celebration somewhere on the outskirts of the western world. They look through the window and at themselves. Passionately, they decrypt and take apart the home video, they put it together again and again until the moving image of a dysfunctional society emerges that still plays by the rules of past times.
Gob Squad, dressed to kill, seek to revive this short moment of reality, and project themselves into the image once more. And while they look for answers as to how all this could have happened and where the happiness went, some spectators have a chance in a lifetime to become a part of that golden, shining picture.
“Western Society” is inviting and isolating. Heaven and hell. Nightmare to some, a place of desire to others. Too true, too fake, too familiar, too strange. The nostalgic portrait of a society, that actually doesn’t exist any more, that can’t exist any more, that mustn’t exist any more – and yet this society stages itself again and again, it refuses to cease to exist. The party goes on, always somewhere else and despite everything.


THURSDAY, JUNE 11 7.30pm Mülheim an der Ruhr
Language DE & EN Ringlokschuppen Ruhr
Bühne 1 Tickets
FRIDAY, JUNE 12 7.30pm Mülheim an der Ruhr
Language DE & EN Ringlokschuppen Ruhr
Bühne 1 Tickets

Concept / Direction: Gob Squad Arts Collective
Performance / Development: Johanna Freiburg, Sean Patten, Damian Rebgetz, Tatiana Saphir, Sharon Smith, Berit Stumpf, Sarah Thom, Bastian Trost, Simon Will
Sound Design: Jeff McGrory (Torsten Schwarzbach)
Video Design: Miles Chalcraft (Kathrin Krottenthaler)
Costumes: Emma Cattell, Kerstin Honeit
Stage Design: Lena Mody
Technical Direction / Light Design: Chris Umney (Max Wegner)
Dramaturgy / Production Management: Christina Runge
Artistic Assistance: Mat Hand (Lena Mody)
Assistant: Sarah Sarina Rommedahl, Sophie Galibert
Management: Eva Hartmann
Tour Management: Mat Hand

Gob Squad Arts Collective receives institutional support within the concept support period 2015 – 2018 of the German state of Berlin, senate chancellery – cultural affairs. “Western Society” was originally commissioned by and developed with support from Center Theatre Group, Michael Ritchie, Artistic Director, Los Angeles, CA. In coproduction with HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin; Spielart Festival, München, brut Wien, funded by the Berlin senate chancellery – cultural affairs and with kindly support by the European Union within the project ‘House on Fire’.
