Conceived, directed and designed by Boris Nikitin
Performance: Malte Scholz
Lighting and Sound: Johanna Seitz and Kris Merken
A production by Boris Nikitin coproduced by Festival PLATEAUX, Mousonturm. Supported by Hessische Theaterakademie and City of Gießen. With the Aide of Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft Gießen.
Duration: ca 70 min
For current performance dates click here:
Dietmar N. Schmidt prize for an outstanding individual performance: Boris Nikitin und Malte Scholz
Jury statement:
“F like fake” is the concentrated result of the strongly conceptual Tour d´Horizon which “Woyzeck” still was as a pile of material. With “Fake” we see a departure from there to an intelligent as well as emphatic, ironic as well as authentic, a theatrically reflected as well as richly symbolic work. This is a real development toward a specific theatrical language which is both complex and comprehensible. This prize is to give an impulse for many more departures.
Boris Nikitin - F wie Fälschung (nach Orson Welles). An evening of an with Malte Scholz
In Orson Welles’ „F for Fake“, a faker claims his work a piece of art. „F wie Fälschung“ also deals with fraud, delusion, and magic. Boris Nikitin’s exemplary initial point – a theatre production – draws a multi-layered and entertaining reflection on reality.
It is an intricate play with the play, with the reliability of experience, and the illusion of reality.
About Boris Nikitin
Born in 1979, Boris Nikitin, worked at the Prater der Volksbühne at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin as the assistant director and then studied applied theatre studies in where he organised the international diskurs festival in 2005. Nikitin developed various scenic projects, such as “quality time” in 2007 together with the director Jan Ritsema. That year, the performance “Woyzeck” was also created, which won Grand Jury Prize at the Festival 100° in Berlin. “F as in Fake”, his graduation production, was also performed at the plateaux festival in Frankfurt Germany. His latest project, “Imitation of Life”, premiered at Kaserne Basel in September 2009. Boris Nikitin works as curator for festivals and theatres.